Privacy policy

Privacy Policy Smart Source

Smart Source last updated May 29, 2023

Why should I read this policy?

This policy describes how we at Smart Source collect, use and protect your personal information.

What information do you collect about me?

We collect information that helps us provide a service to you, it includes but is not limited by the following:

  • Email
  • Name
  • Contact information

How will you use my information?

We need to know a bit about you in order to provide you with services, information sending and payment information in line with this overall policy. We will not collect more information than we need to provide our services to you.

How long will you keep my information?

We have accounting requirements which means that we need to keep some of your information for up to 7 years, after that, it will be deleted.
Information we use for newsletter distribution or marketing will be retained until the time you choose to unsubscribe from it.
Authorities are increasingly demanding access to data, for instance, to reach and stop criminal activities.
Of course, we follow the law and disclose the Data we are obliged to do, through government decisions e.g. The police.

Who do you share my information with?

Your personal data is handled by our staff in Sweden, no third party has access to your personal data as long as the law does not require us to share it.
We have routines in place to ensure that your personal data is handled safely and securely in accordance with applicable law.
You can get more information by contacting us by e-mail.

Where is my information saved?

Your information is stored in data centres within the European Union. For technical reasons, our subcontractors may need to move information to other countries outside the EU. If this happens then appropriate safeguards and standardized data protection rules approved by the European Commission is used.

What are my rights?

Right to information: You can request a copy of the personal information we have about you.

Right to correction: We want to ensure that your information is up-to-date and correct. You can request to have your information corrected or deleted if you believe it is incorrect.

Right to delete: You can request that we delete your personal information. We are not allowed to delete data that the law requires that we retain.

Data portability: You can ask us to move your personal data from our IT environment to someone else, either another company or to you. This does not apply to information that the law requires us to retain.

Withdraw consent: You can withdraw your consent to share your information or receive marketing/mailing at any time. Either by unsubscribing from the message or contact us by email.

Complaints: You can submit a complaint to the Data Inspectorate if you believe that we process your personal data in violation of the Data Protection Regulation.

How can I use my rights?

If you want to use any of your rights, please contact us by letter or e-mail at the address which is at the bottom of this policy. If you want to submit a complaint to the Data Inspectorate, you need to contact them.

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Updates to this policy

We may update this policy and will then publish them on this website. The policy was last updated on Jan 21, 2021.

How to contact us

If you have any questions regarding this policy or how we use your information or your rights, you can contact us at the following address:

Smart Source / Elsewhere AB
Kungsgatan 6
2114 49 Malmö
Email: [email protected]